Monday, January 7, 2008

Charity trekking to the roof of Africa: Mount Kilimanjaro

Marketing Director, Tricia Evans said, 'Mount Kilimanjaro is formidable in terms of reputation and altitude, so anyone that joins us is in for a real adventure. At 5,895m (19,340ft), 'Kili' is Africa's highest peak - and the challenge is to reach the summit! It's a lifelong dream of many people to stand on 'Africa's Roof' and look down at the surrounding savanna. Whilst not aimed at athletes - we've had many former 'couch potatoes' complete it in previous years - it's still a demanding test of determination and fitness. However, because it's one of the most rewarding adventure challenges it's also one of the most popular, so sign up now before all the places are taken. If you do want to take part, I'd advise you to start training now. The fitter you are, the more you will enjoy yourself.'

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